We review the final accounts and analyze the budgets of small, large and medium-sized companies according to the standards of auditing, accounting and international financial reporting.
Tax Consulting
We conduct tax discussions in accordance with the tax law of the country concerned. We provide clear financial planning plans for our clients.
Economic feasibility studies
We prepare economic, marketing and technical feasibility studies for all small, large and medium projects, as this is important in making investment decisions. For our valued customers
Anti-Money Laundering
We provide important financial advice regarding money laundering to spare our clients from any problems resulting from unsafe investments by providing sufficient information about projects and their financing methods and sources.
Training and capacity building
We train, develop and empower employees and provide them with the skills needed to face the continuous changes in the work environment. We provide best practices through qualified and professional trainers in the fields of finance, administration, quality, marketing, finance, insurance, accounting programs and management information systems.
Banking, Finance and Insurance
We provide consultations in the areas of banking financing, investment portfolios, the stock market, and insurance, by choosing the best financing methods and institutions with the financial capacity to ensure continuity and sustainability, as well as insurance companies with an excellent reputation to ensure safe investments.
Research and scientific papers
You can help students with their doctoral and master’s research and write specialized scientific papers in the field of finance, economics, banking, accounting and social sciences.
Asset and resource management
We provide highly professional advice on how to manage and maintain the company’s assets under uncertain conditions in the event of inflation, or to dispose of or replace them, or enter into new partnerships or investments.
Business Development
At Al-Bashari Company, we offer professional business development services designed to support companies and organizations in achieving their goals and driving growth. We provide innovative solutions and effective strategies that help entrepreneurs enhance their performance and expand their businesses across various sectors. Our services include business consulting, market analysis, growth planning, and digital transformation, enabling our clients to gain a sustainable competitive advantage. At Al-Bashari, we believe that success starts with a clear vision, and we work closely with our clients to turn their ideas into tangible achievements that propel them toward excellence and leadership.
Al-Bushari for Accounting, Legal Auditing and Consulting
We help our clients provide the right information and analysis to make important decisions about the future of the company. Contact us now.